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Earth Day

Dear Friends,
Earth Day 2013 is coming up soon and we would love to see more communities participate! Please have a look at http://gen.ecovillage.org/index.php/announcements/240-earth-day-ecovillage-day-2013.html  and help us spread the word. What we would like to see is for communities and individuals to get involved, register their event on the GEN website and send us a report and some pictures after the event.  

Here at Findhorn, we are organising an event with an open house / office, joined meditation in the Sanctuary and a presentation on the Global Ecovillage Network and you are all warmly invited to participate. But maybe you feel inspired to invite your neighbours to visit your ecovillage project or to offer a presentation on ecovillage lifestyles in your city? Or simply print and hang up the beautiful poster in all 4 language versions? Or announce it on your website or forward the email to your mailing list. Alternatively you could share the Earth Day post on the GEN-Europe Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/groups/114756658551415/?fref=ts)? I´m sure you can come up with many more creative ideas to participate and support Earth Day! Please have a look at the link above for downloading the poster and for more information. 

It would be great if you found creative ways to publish this amazing event celebrating our Earth. Let´s make it big!